Building Your Dream Website: A Comprehensive Checklist by Chingon Digital Marketing

image of Manuel Aguirre ceo of chingon digital looking at the website checklist generated for customers to get a better understanding of what it takes to build a website
Chingon Digital Marketing is committed to delivering high-quality website design and digital marketing services to our clients. We take great care in ensuring that every website we build is carefully crafted to meet our clients' needs, and we go above and beyond to ensure that their sites are ready for any future updates the web may bring. Our comprehensive checklist includes everything from content and SEO to accessibility and security, ensuring that every aspect of the website is thoroughly reviewed before launch. With our attention to detail and commitment to excellence, we are confident in our ability to deliver exceptional results to our clients.

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At Chingon Digital Marketing, we take great pride in the time and care we put into building our clients’ websites. As a full-service digital marketing and website design agency, we understand that our clients’ websites are not just their digital storefronts but also a critical component of their overall marketing strategy.

By implementing our comprehensive checklist, we ensure that every aspect of our clients’ websites is meticulously reviewed and tested before it goes live. This level of attention to detail ensures that their websites are not just beautiful and functional but also optimized for digital marketing success.

We know that the digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and we want our clients to be prepared for any changes that may come their way. By taking the time to review and test every aspect of their website, we ensure that it is built to the highest standards of quality, security, and accessibility, making it future-proof and ready for any updates.

Our team of digital marketing and website design experts works tirelessly to make sure that every website we build meets or exceeds industry standards. We believe that our clients deserve the best, and we work hard to deliver it. Our commitment to excellence is evident in every website we build.

In short, at Chingon Digital Marketing, we believe that by implementing our comprehensive checklist, we create websites that not only look great but are also optimized for digital marketing success. We take great care in building our clients’ websites, and we are proud to say that our work speaks for itself. Trust us with your digital marketing and website design needs, and we’ll take your business to the next level.


  • All text is free from spelling errors
  • Page and content formatting are appropriate on all pages
  • Placeholder text has been removed
  • All pages have content
  • Privacy Policy is included (generated at
  • Print stylesheet exists and has been tested
  • Favicon has been created and displays correctly (retina included)
  • Device icons have been created and display correctly
  • Footer includes a copyright statement
  • 404 page exists and is informative
  • Correct author is attributed to pages and posts (as required)


  • Page titles are descriptive and SEO friendly
  • All page titles are unique
  • Meta data is included and appropriate
  • H1s are used for page titles and only one H1 per page
  • XML sitemap has been generated and added to the root of the website
  • Robots.txt has been generated and added to the root of the website
  • 301 redirects for existing website are prepared and in place
  • Website can be accessed by search engines (remove noindex, nofollow for pages)
  • Google Analytics and relevant analytics/tracking tools are installed


  • Open Graph tags are included across the website and are appropriate (including images where possible)
  • Social accounts are integrated, linking to the correct URLs and use API for integrations


  • HTML has passed validation (or known issues are noted)
  • CSS has passed validation (or known issues are noted)
  • Bonus: CSS tested on CSS Lint
  • Site links have been tested and resolve correctly
  • JavaScript is error-free


  • Website meets the appropriate level of WCAG compliance
  • ARIA Landmark Roles are specified
  • Semantic headings and structure are used
  • Links are clearly recognizable and have a :focus state
  • Images use appropriate ALT text
  • Alternatives are provided for users with Javascript disabled
  • Forms have a logical layout
  • Associated label for all form controls
  • Color contrast has been tested
  • Website accessibility has been checked with Total Validator Pro or WAVE and issues resolved (exceptions noted)


  • Displays and functions correctly in IE9
  • Displays and functions correctly in IE10
  • Displays and functions correctly in IE11
  • Displays and functions correctly in Firefox (Windows)
  • Displays and functions correctly in Firefox (Mac)
  • Displays and functions correctly in Chrome (Windows)
  • Displays and functions correctly in Chrome (Mac)
  • Displays and functions correctly in Safari (Mac)
  • Displays and functions correctly in Safari (iOS – Mobile)
  • Displays and functions correctly in Safari (iOS – iPad)
  • Displays and functions correctly in Chrome (iOS – Mobile)
  • Displays and functions correctly in Chrome (iOS – iPad)
  • Displays and functions correctly in Chrome (Android – Mobile)
  • Displays and functions correctly in Chrome (Android – Tablet)
  • Displays and functions correctly in the stock browser (Android)
  • Displays and functions correctly in Microsoft Edge
  • Displays and functions correctly on large resolutions


  • Forms have been tested and processed correctly
  • Required fields have been tested
  • Review input validation (min/max lengths, character limits)
  • Forms send to the correct recipient
  • Forms have a confirmation URL or event tracking so submissions can be tracked
  • Forms process correctly with JavaScript disabled
  • Website search and search results function correctly


  • Images have been optimized
  • CSS is minified and combined
  • JavaScript is minified and combined (as much as possible)
  • Gzip compression is enabled
  • Only necessary fonts, weights, and character sets are installed
  • Google speed test has been run and optimized accordingly


CMS is up to date

All plugins/modules up to date

Ensure caching is cleared on page updates

Ensure backups are completed on a regular basis

Ensure content is backed up separately from code

Ensure user permissions are appropriate for site editors

Ensure site editors are trained to use CMS


Product information and images have been entered correctly

All products have unique identifiers

Prices and taxes have been configured correctly

Shipping and payment options have been set up and tested

Order confirmation emails have been tested and customized

Product reviews and ratings have been enabled

Security measures (SSL, PCI Compliance) have been implemented


Google My Business account has been set up and verified

NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) is consistent across website and directories

Website has been submitted to local directories (Yelp, Yellow Pages, etc.)

Local keywords have been included on website pages and content

Reviews have been obtained and responded to appropriately


All pages have a clear focus keyword

Keyword density is appropriate for each page

Images have alt tags with relevant keywords

Internal linking structure is optimized

URLs are optimized with relevant keywords

Page speed optimization techniques have been implemented

Structured data markup has been implemented


Links from relevant, high-authority websites have been obtained

Broken links have been fixed or removed

Link profile is natural and diverse


Social media accounts have been created and optimized

Social media content is being posted regularly

Social media advertising campaigns have been launched and are being monitored

Social media analytics are being tracked and reported on


Email marketing campaigns have been set up and tested

Email list segmentation has been implemented

Email analytics are being tracked and reported on

Unsubscribe links are included in all emails


Website analytics are being tracked and reported on

Conversion funnels have been set up and are being monitored

A/B testing has been implemented to improve conversion rates

User feedback is being collected and used to improve website usability and design

Overall, at Chingon Digital Marketing, we take great care and attention to detail in all aspects of website design and digital marketing. By implementing a comprehensive checklist such as this, we ensure that our clients’ websites are not only up to date and functioning optimally but are also prepared for any future updates that the web may have.

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