Google Ditches Call History: Now What?

Google's ditching call history. Don't sweat it! Chingon Digital helps you adapt, thrive, and unlock new growth opportunities.

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Google just dropped a bomb on businesses: They’re killing call history in Google Business Profile as of July 31, 2024. No more seeing who called via your profile, no more easy tracking in their interface.

If you’re freaking out, we get it. But don’t hit the panic button yet. Here’s the Chingon Digital take:

Google’s Reasoning? Who Cares.

They claim it’s part of “improving tools” and sometimes tough calls have to be made. Whatever. What matters is you and your business.

This change sucks, but it also opens up opportunities. You’re not alone in this, and Chingon Digital is here to make sure you don’t miss a beat.

So, What’s Gone?

  • You lose the dedicated call history tab in your profile.
  • You can’t see who called through Google Search or Maps anymore.

But Here’s What’s STILL There:

  • Customers can STILL call you through your profile.
  • You can STILL track website visits, directions requests, etc.
  • Your phone number is STILL front-and-center on your profile.

The Chingon Action Plan

Don’t let Google’s move mess with your marketing mojo. Here’s what we recommend:

  1. Own Your Data: If call history was crucial, export it ASAP using Google Takeout. [Link to Google Takeout]
  2. Upgrade Your Tracking: Invest in a dedicated call tracking solution. We can help you find one that fits your budget and needs.
  3. Focus on What Works: Double down on website analytics, social media engagement, and other metrics that give you valuable insights.
  4. Partner with Pros: Chingon Digital can analyze your current setup, recommend the best tools, and integrate them seamlessly into your overall marketing strategy.

Bottom Line:

Google’s change is annoying, but it won’t cripple your business. With the right tools and a chingón attitude, you’ll be back on track in no time.

Need help adapting to this change? Don’t sweat it! Contact Chingon Digital, and we’ll make sure your marketing game stays strong.

Additional Note:

Many California small businesses rely on digital ads and marketing. Unfortunately, the California legislature is considering a new law (SB 1327) that would make digital advertising far more expensive for small businesses. The last thing you need is another hurdle. [Link to sign the letter opposing SB 1327]

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